Online Registration

Registration deadline: 30 November 2022 (Extended)

Participation Criteria

Competition project should be participants' final year projects. Below are possible scenarios:

Final Year Students Non-Final Year Students Final Year Project
1 * 0 1 FYP
2 * 0 2 FYPs combined as one competition project **
3 * 0 3 FYPs combined as one competition project **
1 1 1 FYP
1 2 1 FYP
2 1 2 FYPs combined as one competition project **

*  3rd year students of computer science or IT schools can join the competition and register the competition project as FYP at later stage.

** University FYPs should be segregated as different titles by breaking down the competition project to different portions. Eg. segregate by
i. hardware design, ii. software design, and iii. mechanical design, or
i. function block 1 , ii. functional block 2, iii. functional block 3

Team Registration

Sign in to a Google account to fill out the registration form and submit the project proposal.


Deposit CV

Every team member must deposit your CV using the form in the link below:

Deposit CV

Submission deadline: 30 November 2022

Your CVs will be part of the consideration for qualification to enter the competition.